你想让你的下一个开放参观日脱颖而出吗? 想要增加客流量, 增加对房产的兴趣, and make a positive impression on people who could become future clients? 看看这些想法,为你的下一个开放参观:


你可以做得比一个蔬菜托盘和一袋饼干更好. 而不是, 与附近的餐馆合作, 快餐车, 咖啡店, or caterer to generate buzz and create an exciting event in the neighborhood. 现在你的开放日有更多的客人了, 那些客人得到了高质量的食物和饮料, 供应商会得到当地的推广. 每个人都赢了.


你的买家——以及未来的潜在客户——可能就在你的隔壁. 亲自邀请你房子附近的邻居. 他们不仅想看房子, 但他们也可能会向朋友求助, 家庭, 还有可能想在这个地区买房的同事.


Whether you supply a box of shoe covers for visitors to slip on or you invest in an automatic shoe cover dispenser, 尽量减少灰尘访客进入你的开放参观日. It keeps the sellers’ floors or rugs spotless and makes cleaning easier at the conclusion of the event. This also shows prospective sellers the level of detail you will bring if they hire you in the future.


Replace paper and illegible handwriting with a digital sign-in experience. 平板电脑, 移动PC, or a QR code visitors can scan with their phones makes it easy for people to fill out the sign-in sheet. Digital sign-ins also save you the time it takes to transfer handwritten information into your database. Make sure you give visitors a reason to share their contact details with you, such as information you will send them about that property and other local real estate data.


Maybe your sellers’ property has desirable features that are not noticeable on first viewing, or you can’t be present to tell every guest about the house’s best qualities. You can place signs or sticky notes in certain rooms or on appliances to explain what people would enjoy if they lived there. These signs don’t need to be comprehensive; keep them simple and engaging.


试衣间既费时又费钱. Virtual-staging services make it easier by creating photos of rooms staged in different ways that visitors can view by scanning a QR code on their phones. Guests will have an easier time imagining that front room as a bedroom, 办公室, 或者娱乐中心的虚拟舞台图像. 清楚地表明这些照片是虚拟的, 这样就不会对访问者所观看的内容产生误解.


You are hosting the open house to find potential offers for your clients, 但不要小看自己的公司. 家里有个人品牌的物品吗, 比如水瓶, 质问你的时候, 还有写有你名字和联系方式的名片. 许多来访者不会对这所房子提出报价, 但他们都可以选择你作为他们未来的经纪人.

The House Is Not the Only Thing That Has To Have a Price Tag on It

如果你的卖家有一种“什么都必须卖”的心态, 看看他们是否想在家具上贴价签. Visitors can check out the house while considering a furniture purchase. Keep in mind that this can create distractions from your main purpose, so consider bringing an assistant to deal with visitors interested only in the furniture.


Work with a local artist to provide art pieces to put on the walls or around the house. It can give the property some pop while also bringing in more visitors. 艺术家可以邀请朋友, 家庭, and other artists to the open house to come see the pieces of art and maybe find interest in your sellers’ property.


Give your guests goodie bags with information packets about the house and everyday items like pens, 标记, 记事本, 磁铁, 等.,上面印着你的信息. Take it one step further by making the bag itself a gift—a personally branded tote bag that can be used on multiple occasions.


Collaboration could be the key to attracting more visitors and finding a buyer at your next open house. Work with other REALTORS® to host nearby open houses on the same day.


许多社交媒体渠道都提供直播功能. During your next open house, go live to your followers and showcase the open house you are hosting. Give them a walkthrough tour like you would in a one-on-one situation, 指出房子的特点和事实. 这可以在网上引起关于房产的热议, 在直播结束后,视频将保留在你的feed中.


开放日结束后,你的工作还没有完成. 尽快给感兴趣的人发邮件或短信. (You can prepare these ahead of time so all you have to do is fill out contact info and send.) Even people who didn’t express interest in the property deserve a follow-up. Thank them for coming, ask for their feedback, and find out if you can be of further assistance. This opens a communication channel you may be able to use to build awareness and attract future business.